Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Me and My Website

Websites are a crucial part for any business, person, school, anything. They are going to be that first impression of what you do, what you are, and an insight into you not only as a person, but as a designer. Your website has to be interesting, easy to maneuver through, and give all information needed for the viewer. My website is going to promote me because it shows the work I have done for our class, that shows off my creativity and what I can bring to a work place. It also promotes me because of my picture and my bio. This way potential employers can put a face to the name and get to know me and what I like to do and what degrees I got from where I did. Finally, it promotes me because you can see my resume on my website and see everything that I would like potential employers to see.
Social media projects, like blogger, tie-in with the website because people can see how you write, think, and get ideas across. We link other social media sites so people can see what you are like on other sites and see if you keep up that look of professionalism throughout everything and not just putting up this front for them.
To promote yourself to the full potential, linking your other websites are essential. They show you throughout all of your social media and can help or hurt you, depending on the level of professionalism. Employers will not hire you if on Facebook your have pictures of you partying all night and making rude and vulgar statuses. But if you keep that level on professionalism throughout all social media, link it to your website to build yourself up to everyone.
At first, I was worried designing the website. It seemed like so much and that one wrong move would destroy the entire site and that would be it for my website. Building my own website has always been something that I have wanted to do, but never knew where to start. Now, I know it seems less confusing and scary (Still can be both confusing and scary), but I am much more comfortable with it. Keep everything organized was essential to linking my work back to my website for all to see and luckily, I had no problem getting them on the website. Dreamweaver, itself, is an interesting program and I have enjoyed it because it reminds of a MySpace page back when I had that. The look of it is fun because everyone's will be formatted the same, but everyone has their separate work that brings out your own uniqueness.