The first one is McDonalds logo of the "Golden Arches." What makes this such a visually strong logo is that it is simple. It is one letter and three colors. These things together have a picture in your head. You know it is McDonalds. That specific color yellow in the "M" always made me think of french fries, which may have been done on purpose being one of the many prominant things Mcdonalds sells.

The second logo is visually strong for branding the name right in front for all to see. Branding it like that and then having in connected to the check mark. It becomes one. Now, when you see a checkmark on a shoes or anywhere you know it comes from Nike, the name doesn't have to be there anymore because we know Nike is the checkmark.

The third logo is the Playstation logo. This is visually strong because of its minimalistic design and it has the initials as it's logo. Its design is clever and thought out of the box, there isn't much to it, but the P and the S are locked, but not touching creating, to me, an excellent logo design and an excellent market scheme.

The YouTube logo has changed a few times throughout its years of being active. Originally, it had the words YouTube in red and white colors, like the one above. But in recent years, they have updated the logo to this one. It's a clever logo design because it still has the same color scheme as their old logo had, but removed the words. So now when you see the white play button on the red screen, you know it's YouTube. When we begin watching a video, we click the play button and watch it on our screen, it almost represents what we are doing when finding a video, exactly what YouTube is for.

The last logo is one of my favorite designs for many reasons. The firefox logo has it nailed down to perfection. It is a browsing engine that connects you to the internet, which connects you to the world, which is what they are showing you in that globe with the "firefox" wrapping around it. The Fire fox can go anywhere in the world, this is the most clever logo design, with the perfect mix of colors. The fox isn't just orange, he is a mix of dark orange, light yellows, some dark reds, and so on. The earth isn't green for land and blue for water, it is two different color blues indicating land and sea so there isn't too much drastic colors throughout the logo. This logo was well thought out and definitely one of my all time favorite logos.
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